
Kommande aktiviteter

2024-09-24/26 - Växjö, Sweden

Open Science Community Sweden Conference 2024

This is the fifth annual conference of the Open Science Community Sweden. As per tradition, we co-host it together with Swedish Reproducibility Network, Replication games (by Institute for Replication), and in collaboration with IGDORE. We are financially supported by a grant from Linnaeus University and Swedish National Data Service. 

Theme of the conference

The conference theme is that of open science and reproducibility across all types of research fields. Topics such as pre-registrations, reproducibility, replications, data sharing, and open access publishing are most welcome. Importantly, the conference is not limited to quantitative approaches, and qualitative perspectives on open science are most welcome. 

We aim to be a grass-roots movement, and as such we particularly welcome submissions from researchers,  librarians, information specialists, data stewards and other people who work hands-on with open science and reproducibility. Meta-scientific perspectives on open science and reproducibility are also welcomed.

The conference is open to people from all fields and over the years we have had topics such as psychology, medicine, economics, education, neuroscience, and microbiology being presented. 

Practical information

The conference starts on 24 September at 17:00 with the yearly meeting for members of Open Science Community Sweden (ends at 18:00). For everyone else, it starts with an informal meetup in the evening (around 19:00). During this meetup, Nullius in Verba will host a live podcast on the stage at Mono - a record shop / “folkölscafé” (bar). 

The second day (25 September) will have an opening keynotes (Daniël Lakens), a poster session, two short talks, and a lightning talk session. A keynote by Anne Scheel concludes this day. Everyone is then welcome to the conference dinner (around 19:00). 

The third day (26 September) is a hackathon hosted by replication games. Please note that you need to sign up for that one separately. 

The conference is free to attend (coffee included), but for everyone who wishes to attend the dinner in the evening there is a fee of 500 SEK (about €45). 


Registrations are now open! 

Link to conference registration

Link to replication game (separate registration is needed)

Submissions types accepted:

It is perfectly fine to attend the conference without presenting, but if you wish to contribute you can do it using this google form. Submissions prolonged until August 15. The abstract should be no longer than 250 words, contain three keywords as well as all author names. Do not include names of people who do not intend to also attend the conference. 

For each submission, please check all types of presentations you apply for:

  • 30 minute talk.
  • 10 minute lightning talk
  • Poster

The review panel will put you in the category that is the best fit. Please note that there are limited slots.

Submit your abstract here 

Genomförda aktiviteter

2023-10-26 - Stockholm Replication Games 

Economics and political science papers to be replicated. For more information see here. Held at Stockholm School of Economics, Bertil Ohlins Gata 4, room 538

2023-10-27 - Open Science Community Sweden + SweRN Conference

More information can be found here. Held at Stockholm School of Economics,

Bertil Ohlins Gata 4, room 538 - Please fill in your attendence here

2022 - Joint meeting: Open Science Community Sweden and Swedish Reproducibility Network

  Conference with keynote speaker Elisabeth Bik

2021 - Joint meeting: Launch of Swedish Reproducibility Network (SweRN) and annual conference of Open Science Community Sweden

  Conference with keynote speaker Marcus Munafó

2020 - Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö 

   Workshop: ReproducibliTea

2020 - Open Science Community Sweden Conference, Växjö 

  Conference with keynote speaker Nick Brown

2019-05-21 - Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö 

   Internationell föreläsning av Ulrich Schimmack om replikering och Z-curve

2019-05-21 - Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö 

Bildande av OSC Sweden. Möte och "Open Science after work"

2019-10-24 - Lunds Universitet, Lund

Seminarium om pre-registrering för doktorander och forskare

2019-11-26 - Psykiatri Sydväst, Huddinge Sjukhus 

Lunchföreläsning om Open Science av Oskar Flygare (https://osf.io/7rjv3/)

2019-12-04 - Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

Föreläsning om första terminen med ReproducibiliTea av Robin Fondberg (https://osf.io/a6bst/)